How conscious are you usually of the olfaction?
When our olfaction; the sense of smell is impaired, we become insensitive to unusual odors and cannot detect danger.
Hyposmia makes any foods untasty and our appetite decreased, and suffers our health in the end.
The olfaction is an important sense for our safety and lifespan.
The olfaction declines unknowingly.
However, hyposmia can be prevented by training.
Why? Surprisingly, the cells that control the olfaction can regenerate their functions after they got lost.
However, it's always challenging to continue the training.
"yokun" is a habitual olfactory training system that aims to continue training by imaging the other's lives through exchanging scents.
"yokun" shall become a new form of healthcare that focuses on the olfaction.

Effects of Hyposmia
Olfaction is one of the five human senses.
People are sometimes unconscious about hyposmias (olfactory disorders) since a decline in abilities of olfaction does not force us to change our daily lifestyle like the ones of sight and hearing.
In fact, however, there are two problems that cannot be overlooked when the olfaction declines. *¹
1. Safety issues Decrease ability to detect danger, such as not noticing food spoilage, gas leaks, or the smell of smoke.
2. Nutritional issues Decline in nutritional status due to inability to taste food*², and excessive/underconsumption of salt and sugar due to inability to season food
*¹ Miwa, Takaki. Impact of Olfactory Impairment on Quality of Life and Disability. JAMA : the journal of the American Medical Association. 2001, vol. 286, no. 7, p. 772–. *² Hyposmia affects the sense of taste. Humans perceive as flavor what information from olfactory and other sensory systems are integrated in the brain.
1.安全の問題 食品の腐敗、ガス漏れ、煙の匂いに気付かないといった危機感知能力の低下
2.食事の問題 食事が美味しく感じられない*² ことによる栄養状態の低下、調理の味付けができないことによる塩分・糖質の過剰・過少摂取
*¹ Miwa, Takaki. Impact of Olfactory Impairment on Quality of Life and Disability. JAMA : the journal of the American Medical Association. 2001, vol. 286, no. 7, p. 772–.
*² 味覚は、脳で嗅覚などの知覚系情報と統合されて風味として感じるため、嗅覚の低下は味覚に影響を及ぼす。

Hyposmia by Age
Olfaction can be measured by an index called 'Smell identification ability'.
It is said that the smell identification ability reaches its maximum in the teens and then retains a certain level of functionality, declines in 60s for men and 70s for women.
The results of a smell identification test conducted on 3,285 people in the United States showed that 3.8% of all adults had hyposmias.
On the other hand, in a survey of 80,000 people in the United States, only 1.4% were self-aware of a decreased sense of smell.
This difference suggests that even if your olfaction is impaired, it is difficult to notice it by yourself.
In Japan, where 35% of the population will be over 65 years old by 2040*¹,
olfactory deterioration will be a problem that cannot be ignored.
2040年には65歳以上が全人口の35%を占める日本*¹ では、
Graph of olfactory identification performance by age *2.

*¹ Estimated by the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research
*² DOTY, Richard L., et al. Smell identification ability: changes with age. Science, 1984, 226.4681: 1441-1443.
Olfactory training.
Recently, olfactory training, which developed in Europe, has been used as a treatment for hyposmia.
You have to continue to receive olfactory stimulation several times in a day for at least three months to restore olfactory function.
A study which had conducted at the University of Dresden for the hyposmias reported that a result of a group which four different scents (rose, eucalyptus, lemon, and clove) are treated to sniff once every morning and evening for 12 weeks showed an apparent improvement in olfaction, compared to the untreated group.
Other studies reported that more improvement is expected with a longer period of time, and that changing the combination of the four scents every 12 weeks was more effective than continuing to sniff the same scents.
We believe that a habit of smelling scents consciously and actively is expected to prevent hyposmia.

yokun - a habitual olfactory training
Olfactory training requires at least three months of continuous olfactory stimulation several times every day.
However, "consciously smelling" is difficult to continue.
Therefore, we attempted to connect "our unconscious actions in our daily lives" with "actions that we don't do every day,
but nice to have" and give encouragement to continue "actions that are difficult to do consciously everyday". This is "yokun".
"yokun" is a habitual olfactory training system that aims to continue training by indirect communication.
yokun is used in pairs who live far away from each other and are wondering how they are doing, but not enough to contact them every day. yokun delivers scents to the person who lives apart from you, triggered by your daily casual actions such as opening a door or picking up a toothbrush. Sniffing each scent consciously makes you feel the presence of the person and satisfy your unaware emotional need of a little curious. Continuous olfactory training, which is difficult to continue on your own, is made possible through the gentle communication.
余薫 - 習慣型嗅覚トレーニングシステム
お互いにその香りを嗅ぎ分けることで、相手の存在が感じられ、”ちょっと気になる” という「日々の心のニーズ」が満たされます。
“Kodo”, a uniquely Japanese art form, was born at the end of the Muromachi period (1336 - 1573).
In Kodo, identifying a scent is called "listening" rather than "sniffing".
One style in Kodo is "Kumiko" which distinguishes among several scents like a game.
The guests listen to the scents of the fragrant wood selected by the host along with the message.
In other words, "Kodo" can be a special opportunity to communicate through the scents.

yokun Project Members
Organization: Keio University Global Research Institute (KGRI)
Extending Healthy Life Expectancy Project
Graduated the masters program at the Keio University graduate
school of System Design and Management.

Tsubasa Ito
Areas of Expertise: ERP implementation、Project management
Interests: Community of Practice、Self-regulated Learning

Akihiro Kitahara
Areas of Expertise: Mechanical Engineering, System Design Management
Interests: Art Thinking, Systems Thinking

Yasuko Imamura
Areas of Expertise: Hospitality Management
Interests: Customer Delight, Service Excellence

Chizuru Nakajima
Areas of Expertise: System Design Management
Interests: Inclusive Design, Innovation, Entrepreneurship
Special thanks
Chisato Iba / Kurisu Kato / Tomoyuki Tatsumi
Azabu Kogado
Japan Aroma Environment Association

Atsushi Iwakura
Areas of Expertise: Model Based development
Interests: Functional Safety Certification、Model based systems engineering

Kenji Fujii
Areas of Expertise: Designer, Design Thinking, Art Education
interest: regional revitalization, social innovation